Friday 5 November 2010

Chosen Brief for A2 Coursework

An extract from a new documentary TV programme, lasting approximately 5 minutes, together with two of the three following:
> A radio trailer for the documentary
> A double-paged spread from a listing magazine focused on the documentary
> A newspaper advertisement for the documentary.

After much thought and many discussions in class I have come to the conclusion of producing a documentary. I have set myself a higher challenge from last year and will be working solo. This will require me to produce, shoot and edit all of the footage myself. However, I feel this could work to my advantage as it gives me the ability to express my personnal views and portray the documentary as I can imagine it.

I felt it was important to focus the documentary around a topic I am passionate about, thus being it will show in the final product.

I have chosen to base my documentary around the beauty industry. To be more specific, the media that surrounds it and the effect it has on young children. The beauty industry is a multi- billion pound industry to which it projects a stereotypical image onto the population. This image brings with it many hidden meanings. Including how beauty brings success, glamour and a certain lifestyle with it.

Being a 17 year old Female, I hope to bring a different approach to the beauty industry and reveal how the images effect growing children, both female and male, on a daily basis.

I look forward to the challenge ...

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