Wednesday 4 May 2011

Magazine advertisement

The idea of my poster was to attract the audience at one look, and to and inform the audience as to why they should tune in, without actually saying so. The poster also clearly states where and when the audience can tune into the programme.Using the young girls within the poster and having them hold their posters leaves the target audience intrigued. The purpose of the black and white background was to ensure that the title and the posters they were holding stood out clearly. The titles are also used within the main documentary, creating a sense of continuity. To create this poster I took full advantage of the editng tools on Photoshop, including colour enhancers. My knowledge of using this editing programme has deepend, to which I now feel I have created a successful Magazine Advertisement.

Radio Advertisement

The Radio advertisement I have produced uses the same the track from the opening sequence of my documentary. The purpose of this is to create a sense of continity between the media texts. Within the advertisements I have used samples from the interviews on Oxford High Street and the interview with the Troy Hoff- Managing Director of Rimmel London. I choose these particular samples of sounds because I feel that they are quite shocking and will cause a response from the audience, encouraging them to watch the documentary. The software I used to create this product was Final Cut Express HD. I have used this software in creating both my documentary and radio advertisement to which I feel my knowledge, confidence and creativity has greatly improved.

Evaluation Podcasts

•In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

•How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

•What have you learned from your audience feedback?

•How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Ancillary texts- Research

As part of the Brief, I have choosen to produce a Radio and Newspaper advertisement alongside my main documentary. The main use of my ancillary texts are to work alongside each other in order to promote my documentary, Who Wants Us To Be Beautiful? Although I have some initial ideas about what I want to produce, I felt it was impotant to undertake research into real media texts.

'A picture speaks a thousand words'

The examples I have found relating to a Newspaper advertisement have all had a similar array of conventions. All have used a very striking image, whether simple of dramatically edited, to grab the eye of the public. The advertisements use the image to inform the audience about what the programme will be about, and leaves you intrigued. Furthermore, the advertisements inform you of when are where you can find the programme, along with a logo. From my research, my initial ideas have changed, to which I now want to produce a rather sympathetic picture involving the young girls used in my main documentary.

Being a fan of Radio 1, I was aware of the conventions and neccessities of a successful Radio advertisement. In my Radio advertisement I will be using the track Simian-La Breeze which is used at the beginning of my documentary. The purpose of using this track is to keep continuity between the texts. As for research, I have found webistes such as Youtube particulary helpful, especially as I can listen to both professional and home recorded radio advertisements.

Conventions of my Documentary- Conventional and Experimental

My response to the following question:

Explain how you used conventional and / or experimental narrative approaches in one of your production pieces.

Conventions Essay response

Responses to Questionnaire

Questionnaire on Final Product

I have created the Questionnaire below in order to gain feedback on my final documentary. The feedback will allow me to continue to progress and deepen my knowledge on how to create a powerful and meaningful product which will hit a target audience. The questions I have asked are revolved around the message that the documentary gives and how it looks and is presented.I will be giving the questionnaire to 10 people aged between 14-21. I would also like to show the documentary to a parent and ask them to fill in the questionnaire. It will be interesting to see the response from a parent and see it they were awaere of the medias affects on young children.

Questionnaire of Product

Library Footage of Advertisements

A common convention of documentaries is the use of visuals. The purpose of visuals is to emphasise a particular message of emotion. Within the beginning of my documentary I will be introducing the topic and arguments with the use of a voice over. To help emphasise the message I will be using clips from adverts currently being shown on the Television. I have chosen these clips specifically because they represent the stereotypical view of beautiful people and how they are seen to represent wealth and success.

Library footage of 5 year old applying make-up

I will be using a short clip from the video below within the opening of the documentary. I found this video on while undertaking research for the topic. I have chosen to use this video as I feel it is a shocking image and shows how the media is targeting at a younger and younger audience. I will also be using an editing technique to which I will speed up the pace of the video. I feel it will fit in well with my music choice and give a more effective look.