Wednesday 4 May 2011

Ancillary texts- Research

As part of the Brief, I have choosen to produce a Radio and Newspaper advertisement alongside my main documentary. The main use of my ancillary texts are to work alongside each other in order to promote my documentary, Who Wants Us To Be Beautiful? Although I have some initial ideas about what I want to produce, I felt it was impotant to undertake research into real media texts.

'A picture speaks a thousand words'

The examples I have found relating to a Newspaper advertisement have all had a similar array of conventions. All have used a very striking image, whether simple of dramatically edited, to grab the eye of the public. The advertisements use the image to inform the audience about what the programme will be about, and leaves you intrigued. Furthermore, the advertisements inform you of when are where you can find the programme, along with a logo. From my research, my initial ideas have changed, to which I now want to produce a rather sympathetic picture involving the young girls used in my main documentary.

Being a fan of Radio 1, I was aware of the conventions and neccessities of a successful Radio advertisement. In my Radio advertisement I will be using the track Simian-La Breeze which is used at the beginning of my documentary. The purpose of using this track is to keep continuity between the texts. As for research, I have found webistes such as Youtube particulary helpful, especially as I can listen to both professional and home recorded radio advertisements.

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