Monday 28 March 2011

Library Footage

As part of the documentary I will be using library footage as visuals to reinforce my message.The main source of my library footage has been to which I have gained vital footage of which I could not have filmed.

During the opening of the documentary I will be introducing the topic of discussion. Here I will be using visuals of beautiful people to enforce the message of how the media is playing an important role on our perception of beauty. This will include advertisements of make-up products and perfume brands.

With the use of editing, the introduction to my documentary will be quick and upbeat. I will be using the photographs I have gathered from oxford along with the photos I have taken of Magazine headlines and images. Along with this, I will be using a short clip of library footage from a Dove commercial. The clip includes a group of women advertising tablets which will make them 'smaller, thinner and stronger'. I'm using this clip to illustrate the necessity to reach the idea of perfection.

As part of my documentary I find it important to consider both sides to the arguement. 'Troy Hoff' acted by Tony Buckmaster will be presenting an arguement from a Business point of view. Within the interview of Troy Hoff he talks about the Businesses' main objective to promote a 'clean wholesome image'. Here, I will be using visuals of size zero models walking on catwalks and also images of anorexia to illustrate the opposing view to this arguement.

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