Monday 21 February 2011

Beauty & the Beast- Camera shot Analysis

While watching the series of Beauty & the Beast: The Ugly Face of Prejudice, I also took into consideration the camera angles and shots that were used in order to portray a particular emotion or message.This series has given me an insight into the type of camera shots to use during interviews and has also shown me how to use visuals effectively in order to enhance a particular message.

A medium two shot. This shot is often used when two individuals are being interviewed together. This camera shot allows the audience to focus on both characters as the speak but furthermore compare and contrast their physical appearance.

Visuals are often used during an interview in order to demonstrate the extreme lengths these women will go to in order to reach 'perfection'. This often results in surgery including: liposuction, botox and lip fillers.

Adam (Left), hits to the streets of London to interview the public on their perception of beauty. The choice of shot reveals to us the advertisements we are exposed to everyday and the pressure it exposes.

Many of the women in the series express how their obsession with beauty comes from the images they see in Magazines and on Television. Visuals are often used during the series to show examples of where the pressures are coming from and our perception of what is considered beautiful.

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