Friday 25 February 2011

Main Focus for Documentary

Over the school half term, I've spent much of my time planning and visulising what I want my documentary to look like, and my overall arguement. Although I feel there is pressure on children from the internet, TV, films, newspapers, I feel that for the purpose of the documentary that I will be focusing on Magazines.

I recently was babysitting for a 12 year old girl and she was showing a couple of her favourite magazines, these included Shout, Sugar, Mizz and Girl Talk. The young women on the front of these covers were obviously beautiful, but it was the headlines that really caught my eye.

"Pretending to have sex made me popular"
"I'm 15 and planning my Big Fat Gypsy Wedding"
"My sexting Nightmare"

... These are just a few that reallt stood out to me.

A major point that has really stood out to me during my reseach is the very clear division between what is being projected upon girls and boys. The boys are tough, they’re strong, they’re ready to fight. The girls however, they need to be pretty, sexy and how they look determines their social statues.

How are these pressures affecting children of today? Is it right that we are stereotyping beauty?

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