Monday 21 February 2011

Why do Advertisers promote products to children from such a young age?

Over the duration of my time researching the effects of media towards a younger audience I came across the following video on Youtube. The video gave me a real insight into why the media focuses so heavily towards children and inspired me to look into the issue further.

From an advertisers point of view, beauty sells. We live in a beauty obsessed world and the beautiful people we see everyday on the front of billboards or magazine covers and in films, these are the people who are believed to be associated with glamour, success and wealth. Therefore, this creates a particular image towards a product and this is why these people are used to promote them.

The following video acknowledges that advertisers target children early in their lives in order to turn them into life time consumers. They promote their products to them early, as often as they can and in as many places as they can. This video has become a big inspiration and I hope to use some of this information in my documentary.

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