Friday 25 February 2011

E-mail to Magazines

I have just sent an e-mail to Sugar, Shout, Mizz and Girl Talk magazine. I want to find out what their purpose is in using beautiful models throughout their magazines and whether they think that this is causing a negative stereotype on body image.

This is the e-mail I sent to them ...

Hello Shout/Sugar/Mizz/Girl Talk,

I'm currently a student taking my A-Levels. For my Media Studies A-Level this year my coursework assignment is to create a short documentary. My chosen topic is the impact of media and the beauty industry on young children.

While researching into this topic, I have noticed how the very clear division between what is being projected upon girls and boys. The boys are tough, they’re strong, and they’re ready to fight. The girls however, they need to be pretty, sexy and how they look determines their social statues. How do you think these pressures are affecting children of today? Is it correct that we are stereotyping beauty?
There are definitely two sides into this argument and any comment would be a great help.

Thank you very much for your time,

I look forward to hearing from you,

Laura Osborne

... I hope they get in touch!

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