Friday 25 February 2011

Questionnaire Responses

I have now received responses for my Questionnaire. The purpose of this questionnaire was to gain feedback from the public about their views on the media and perception of beauty. The questionnaire was aimed at people within the age bracket of 10-18. In total I gained 10 responses to which the following results are below.

Statistical results from Questionnaire

>10/10 responses concluded they felt pressure to have the perfect body.

>8/10 responses concluded they were currently occupied in changing their body weight or appearance.

>Pressure was mainly coming from: Friends, TV (Programs such as 90210 and Hollyoaks), advertising, magazines and celebrities.

>10/10 responses concluded that the media does not represent reality.

>Men are socially referred to as: strong, handsome, intelligent, muscular, healthy and hold a position of power.

>Women are socially referred to as: thin, beautiful, tall and clear complexion.

>The age range which people started to feel pressure from was between 11-18.

>10/10 responses concluded that there is too much pressure from the media on young children.

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